Ever wonder if a an artificial tree was more environmentally friendly than a real Christmas tree? Sustainablog.com writer Robin Shreeves' research gives us some good reasons to buy locally grown Christmas trees and not feel guilty!
*Most Christmas trees that are cut down at least one more tree is planted.
*Tree farms are usually planted on soil that doesn't support other types of agriculture and about 1 million acres in the US are dedicated to tree farming. For every acre trees provide oxygen for 18 people.
*Trees reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and counter-balance global warming.
*Real trees are recyclable.
*It's possible to get locally grown Christmas trees in every state in the US.
*Christmas trees are better for your health (unless you are allergic to them) than fake trees which contains PVC.
*Fakes Christmas trees are not recyclable and will sit for hundreds of years in a landfill leaching PVC.
Enjoy the Christmas holiday season and all of nature's beauty right in our own home!
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